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Information about the breast lift (mastopexy) Breast lift in Hungary

The “sew up” of the breasts means that the original form and the tautness of the hanging and loose breasts will be reconstructed. The causes of the formation of the problem: the connective tissue of the skin unclenches (this is the main cause) the loosening and the back-formation of the adenoids tissue (to a little extent) A lot of people think that the chest muscle has a hand in the atony of the chest and they try to prevent or to stop this process with gymnastic exercises. But this is a mistake, because the chest muscle has absolute no effect on that process.

Causes which result in the atony of the breasts:

pregnancy – breast feeding: Most frequently the atony occurs in such situations, since the skin expands during the pregnancy because of mechanical and hormonal effects, becomes thin and after breast feeding the adenoids tissue degenerates too much. It is important to know that rather the pregnancy and not the breast feeding is responsible for it, therefore it is mindless to throw up the breast feeding which is very important for the baby. the breasts slacken by the age as well too big breasts the constitutional atony of the connective tissue of the skin asymmetric, hanging breasts form because of a genetic defect fast, drastic loss of weight The essential of the operation is: the removal of the loose surplus skin and the lifting and tightening of the adenoids. The volume of the breast isn’t changed in this situation, but if the chests are so disturbing large, or a chest is remarkably larger than the other one, there is the possibility to diminish the volume and to remove a part of the adenoids tissue. Sometimes it happens that the skin is loose but there is hardly adenoids tissue that can be formed. In such cases we couldn’t achieve a good result only with the lift, so the adenoids tissue is replaced with implants and lift is accomplished as well. This is the implantation and correction in one step. Only light scars will remain after the operation and the areola will be diminished to an appropriate size as well. Basically there are three types of operations which result in different scars. TRADITIONAL technique, reversed T form or anchor cut Around and under the nipple a short vertical scar remains and in the sub-mammarial fold a longer horizontal scar is formed. Advantage: this technique can be used in case of bigger breast as well; in general the wound healing is without problems; only slight scars. Disadvantage: longer scars remain after the healing. SHORT SCAR technique A vertical scar forms only around and under the nipple. Advantage: less scars, a preservable form and less chance for the post-atony of the breast. Disadvantage: in case of the vertical scar the wound healing is more problematic. In the beginning the vertical scar is preliminary crinkly and will be slick only in 1-2 months. The form of the breast is not final for a few weeks. PERIAREOLARIS technique around the areola One scar arises only around the areola. Advantage: with this solution arise the fewest scars. Disadvantage: Only rare, in the case of the so called ‘tubularis’ pipe form can be a good result achieved, otherwise the middle part of the breast would be very pressed down. The scar around the nipple is very crinkly for a few months, but later on it will be slick. Later the areola can be expanded disadvantageous. In general the operation is accomplished in general anaesthesia because it is more comfortable and safer for the patient than in local anaesthesia. Before the intervention a laboratory test is necessary. The test can be accomplished in our clinic as well. If the patient is over 40 years old, she has to have made a mammogram in any case. On average the operation lasts from 1,5 to 3 hours and in the end the patient receives a close band and a special bra for the operated region. In case of a significant breast reduction, a vacuum tube will be led in the wound in order to drain the trickling ichors. This tube will be removed one day after the operation. In general the patient has to spend one night in our clinic and can go home on the following day. It is practical to travel by car but the patient isn’t yet allowed to drive by herself. The patient is allowed to drive 3-4 days after the operation at the earliest. The patient has to take a rest for 7-10 days after the operation at home (this means bed rest). All physical activities have to be diminished. After 7-10 days the patient can do light physical activity and a little work. In the first 2 weeks the patient has to come back twice for control and for the switch of the band and the stitches will be removed on the 12.-14. day. Pain: dim and expansive pains (not intolerable) in the first 3-4 days. Simple painkillers can help (for instance Algopyrin, Demalgon). On the 4.-5. day a light itching can occur around the wound, but this is only a sign of the healing. Cleaning: The wound can’t be contacted with water for four days. From the fifth day the patient can take a shower (not bath) and the clear shampoo water, running on the operated region, doesn’t cause an inflammation any more. After the short shower the wound can be dried carefully with a hand towel, the patient has to put a sterile band on the wound and get the special bra on. Two weeks after the operation the patient can bear its regular life, she can work again and the patients from abroad can travel home. But intensive sports like tennis, swimming, dance, aerobic etc. are not recommended for a few months. Sunbathing and solarium are not advisable for further 2 weeks and the use of a sunscreen can be necessary for a further half year. The wear of a bra is very important for further 2-3 months, but this time only during the day.

It is important to draw your attention to the followings:

The result of the operation is influenced by some different disadvantageous facts like frequent drastic loss of weight and smoking. In 95 % of the cases the operation hasn’t got an effect on the breast feeding. But after more pregnancies it can happen that it comes again to the atony of the breast and therefore a correction will be necessary. Possible side-effects: Secondary bleeding, inflammation (2-3 %) Die back of the tissues (less than 1 %) Partial or entire die back of the nipple (it is very rare, can be corrected with a later operation) Diseased scarring / keloid (1-2 %) Sense irritations: the chance is 4-5 %, it can occur around the areola or on the surrounding skin. The risk of these side-effects is a bit bigger in the case of the reduction of big breasts.