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dental implants

Tooth implants Hungary

Field of application of the dental implants It can occur with everyone that because of an accident or hereditary teeth you have some or several missing teeth. It can also happen that a tooth has to be extracted because of caries. Tooth implant offers an aesthetic solution for missing teeth and entire agomphiasis. The implants are connectable with the own teeth or also with other implants. There our jaw-bone develops until the age of 16, implants can come into question only thereafter.

Task before the operation

Before the operation a thorough dental examination, an x-ray (a visiograph and panoramic one), an imprint of both jaw-bone and a consultation are accomplished in any case. The patient gets exact information about the planned interference, treatment time, expecting results and possible side-effects.

The operation

It is important that the patient eats something before the intervention, because after the local anaesthesia he can not eat until the numbness is away (about 3-4 hours). The intervention is accomplished under local anaesthesia. The dentist folds the gingival from the bone down and bores with the help of a special drill a hole in the bone, where he screws then the implant with titanium as base material in, which is then considered as new tooth root. He locks the wound with seams. The healing time after the operation amounts to approximately 4-6 weeks. The ossification (between titanium and tooth bone) and the built-in of the implant in the bone begins. Since the screw is not resilient during the healing process, a temporary prosthesis or bridge is recommended. The second operation can be accomplished if the screw sits firmly in the jaw-bone. The dentist screws a small head onto the screw which is under the gingival, but this small head stands already out from the gingival. The gingival heals 2-3 days long and after that the dentist screws the final heading section (this is the last phase without operation), which serves then as base for the bridge. After the imprint the dentist draws up the appropriate prosthesis.

Possible side-effects

With 95-99 % of the implants there are no problems and complications are also scarce. For example it is possible that the inserted implant can’t fit in to the bone, because of irritations of the bone. After the intervention you should be prepared for sensitivity, pain and swelling. It is important that you clean the screw on the edge of the gingival properly (the success of the implant can be dependent of this). If an infection by the implant reaches the bone, an inflammation is possible, the implant can be eased and in the worst case fall out

Tasks after the operation

After the interference you must clean the wound with a soft toothbrush. With Chlorhexamed you can rinse out your mouth daily 2-3 times. It is forbidden to make a poultice, but you can cool your face only from the outside daily 5-6 times. After the operation the wound can bleed easily. If you need some painkillers, you can take one, but antibiotics only with the permission of your dentist. The stitches can be removed after 5-7 days by your dentist. If you have any problems, please contact your dentist immediately.